Site icon Nathan A. Perez

Example 20MNM Video!

What does a 20-Minute Networking Meeting actually look like?

In this video, you will see a mock 20-Minute Networking Meeting in its entirety. It features Taous, a soon to be MBA grad, networking with an executive in her chosen industry of finance, played by 20MNM co-author, Nathan A. Perez.

Note: This video is courtesy of MBA website Beyond B-School, and is a truncated, 8.5 minute version of a full length 20MNM. Remember, meetings can be as long or as short as they need to be, and never have to last exactly 20 minutes. But without a doubt, watching the following will give you a good sense of how fluid and effective a 20-Minute Networking Meeting can be- no matter the length. Enjoy!

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